
How to make digital photos from your smartphone look old

How to make digital photos from your smartphone look old

Related media - Latest news Like the allure of vinyl records, classic video games, and even the early Internet, the fascination with old photographic standards like point-and-shoot cameras or 35-millimeter film persists, even in people too young to remember when that equipment was state of the art. the art. The appeal of “vintage” photography goes beyond nostalgia and Instagram filters, judging by the sheer number of apps designed to emulate the film, lenses, and visual quirks of pre-digital photos and films. Despite the irony of using a high-end smartphone camera to produce imperfect images that appear oversaturated, jittery, low-contrast, unfiltered, or otherwise analog, opting for a retro look can help you practice your compositional skills. If you're not ready to buy the origina...
How to manage your streaming subscriptions as service prices increase

How to manage your streaming subscriptions as service prices increase

Related media - Breaking news Because we forget to unsubscribe In May, Caroline Sinders, a designer and artist, published the results of an independent study on how companies like Netflix, Hulu, Vimeo and The New York Times make it difficult to unsubscribe from their services. The study, conducted in 2022, found that some media companies like The Times created friction in the process, requiring, in some cases, a phone call to cancel a subscription. The Times now allows subscribers to unsubscribe online without calling. Even though the study found that streaming services like Netflix and Hulu were easier to cancel, you may stay subscribed longer than you want because of what they don't do, Mx. Sinders said. They don't send emails to remind you that you have an invoice coming up. Whe...
The young people have spoken: wallets are not cool.  Go digital.

The young people have spoken: wallets are not cool. Go digital.

More news - News 24 hours In a survey that asked just over 2,500 Americans about digital payments, about 80% of Gen Z respondents said they use mobile wallets, and among them, half were eager to use their phone much more than pay, according to recent data. from Pymnts Intelligence, a research firm that studies trade. Younger people are increasingly using their phones for purposes that older adults would use a traditional wallet for, such as carrying around documents like driver's licenses, boarding passes and event tickets. Some of these digital items can be added to Apple and Google's Wallet apps, while others, like insurance cards, can be downloaded through third-party apps. The change in behavior reflects the journey mobile wallets have taken. About a decade ago, when I talked ab...
Elon Musk got 72% in Tesla shareholder vote on pay

Elon Musk got 72% in Tesla shareholder vote on pay

Related media - Breaking news With the pay package, Musk would own 20.5% of Tesla, up from about 13%. He has said he would like a 25% stake, stressing in January that it would be "quite influential, but not so much that it can't be overthrown." If he didn't get such a large stake, he said, "he would rather build products outside of Tesla." Even after this week's rally, Tesla shares are down more than 20% this year, compared with a 14% gain in the broader stock market. The company remains by far the most valuable auto company, with a stock market value of $600 billion, but fears of tougher competition and declining demand for its models have weighed on the stock. At Thursday's shareholder meeting, Musk was characteristically optimistic about Tesla's self-driving technology, including...
In Race to Build A.I., Tech Plans a Big Plumbing Upgrade

In Race to Build A.I., Tech Plans a Big Plumbing Upgrade

Linked media - Linked media If 2023 was the tech industry’s year of the A.I. chatbot, 2024 is turning out to be the year of A.I. plumbing. It may not sound as exciting, but tens of billions of dollars are quickly being spent on behind-the-scenes technology for the industry’s A.I. boom. Companies from Amazon to Meta are revamping their data centers to support artificial intelligence. They are investing in huge new facilities, while even places like Saudi Arabia are racing to build supercomputers to handle A.I. Nearly everyone with a foot in tech or giant piles of money, it seems, is jumping into a spending frenzy that some believe could last for years. Microsoft, Meta, and Google’s parent company, Alphabet, disclosed this week that they had spent more than $32 billion combined on data ...
OpenAI Seeks to DismissParts of The New York Times’s Lawsuit

OpenAI Seeks to DismissParts of The New York Times’s Lawsuit

Connected media - Related media Representatives for OpenAI and the Times Company did not immediately respond to requests for comment. The motion asked the court to dismiss four claims from The Times’s complaint to narrow the focus of the lawsuit. OpenAI’s lawyers argued that The Times should not be allowed to sue for acts of reproduction that occurred more than three years ago and that the paper’s claim that OpenAI violated the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, an amendment to U.S. copyright law passed in 1998 after the rise of the internet, was not legally sound. The Times was the first major American media company to sue OpenAI over copyright issues related to its written works. Novelists, computer programmers and other groups have also filed copyright suits against the start-up and ...